Mi-Rua: UI/UX


Mi-Rua is a company that manages a multi-store e-commerce website, accompanied by a mobile application. Its platform aims to promote local and traditional work, facilitating sales for participating stores through a website and a mobile app. In this project, I was responsible for the user interface (UI/UX) design of the website, including image editing for the slideshow and category section using Photoshop. Additionally, I also created preview images for the Mi-Rua app, all developed in Photoshop. This work was carried out in collaboration with RIFT, the company responsible for web development and the app.

Design Process:

The design of the Mi-Rua website and app was guided to provide an intuitive and appealing user experience. The website was designed to highlight participating local stores and facilitate user navigation between different product categories. Images were carefully edited to convey the essence of local and traditional commerce, while the app preview images were created to showcase the features and functionalities of the mobile platform in a visually impactful manner.

Results and Impact:

Mi-Rua received recognition at the Portugal E-Commerce Awards, securing third place in the E-commerce of the Year category for the best marketplace. This reflects the platform’s success in promoting local and traditional commerce, reaching and serving a broader audience of customers.

Proof of my work:

For more information about Mi-Rua, visit the website mi-rua.com or download the app on the Google Play Store at Mi-Rua App.

Project Info

  • Client:Mi-Rua
  • Categories:UI/UX
  • Tags:Design, UI/UX
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