Parlapie: UI/UX


The project consists of creating a Figma prototype for a platform for couples’ meetings and social events. This platform is responsive, offering a consistent experience on both computers and mobile devices. It features a gallery of recent events, scheduling of upcoming events, and an essential form to find compatible individuals for meetings. The form includes questions about age, gender, marital status, meeting preferences, among other factors.

Design Process:

Throughout the design process, I aimed to create an intuitive and attractive interface, prioritizing user-friendliness. I collaborated with the RIFT team, being responsible for the UI/UX design, while the company handled web development. The platform was designed to provide a seamless experience, from navigating events to filling out the profile form. The chosen color palette was elegant and understated, using shades of dark red, lilac, and brown to convey a sense of sophistication and modernity.

Tools Used:

The prototype was developed using the Figma platform, allowing for efficient collaboration and the creation of responsive design for multiple devices.

Results and Impact:

The final result was a visually appealing and functional prototype that captures the essence of the platform’s proposal for dating and social events. The partnership with RIFT enabled a harmonious integration between design and web development, ensuring a high-quality experience for end users.

Project Info

  • Client:Parlapie
  • Categories:UI/UX
  • Tags:Design, Figma, UI/UX
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